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Number of Entries: 58

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Harlaftis, Gelina, - Sifneos, Evrydiki, Entrepreneurship at the Russian Frontier of International Trade. The Greek Merchant Community/Paroikia of Taganrog in the Sea of Azov, 1780s-1830s’, in Viktor Zakharov, Gelina Harlaftis and Olga Katsiardi-Hering, Merchant ‘Colonies’ in the Early Modern Period (15th – 18th centuries), London: Chatto & Pickering, 2012

Economy and Infrastructure  Culture and Communities  

Harlaftis, Gelina, "From Diaspora Traders to Shipping Tycoons: The Vagliano Bros" in Business History Review, vol. 81, no. 2, Summer 2007, pp. 237-268

Economy and Infrastructure  Culture and Communities  

Harlaftis, Gelina, "Mapping the Greek maritime diaspora from the early 18th to the late 20th century" in Ina Baghdiantz McCabe, Gelina Harlaftis and Ioanna Minoglou (eds), Diaspora Entrepreneurial Networks. Five Centuries of History, pp. 147-169 Oxford: Berg Publications, 2005

Economy and Infrastructure  Culture and Communities  

Harlaftis, Gelina, “Τhe 'eastern invasion'. Greeks in the Mediterranean trade and shipping in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries” in Maria Fusaro, Colin Heywood, Mohamed-Salah Omri (eds), Trade and Cultural Exchange in the Early Modern Mediterranean: Braudel's Maritime Legacy, pp. 223-252, London: I.B. Tauris, 2010

Economy and Infrastructure  Culture and Communities  

Haxthausen, August, Freiherr von, The Russian Empire: its people, institutions, and resources, London: Chapman and Hall, 1856, vol. I-II

Culture and Communities  Administration  
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The book attempts to analyze the social background and the institutions of the Russian Empire during its heyday/ Το βιβλίο επιχειρεί να αναλύσει το κοινωνικό υπόβαθρο και τους θεσμούς της Ρωσικής Αυτοκρτορίας κατά την περίοδο της ακμής της.

Herlihy, Patricia, “Ukrainian Cities in the Nineteenth Century” in Rethinking Ukrainian History, ed. Ivan L. Rudnytsky. Edmonton 1981. pp. 135-155

Odessa  Nikolayev  Kherson  
Economy and Infrastructure  Culture and Communities  
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The book describes the development of Ukrainian cities during the 19th century/ Το βιβλίο περιγράφει την ανάπτυξη των ουκρανικών πόλεων κατά το 19ο αιώνα. 

Hoffman, David L. - Kotsonis, Yanni, Russian Modernity: Politics, Knowledge, Practices, Palgrave Macmillan, London 2000

Economy and Infrastructure  Culture and Communities  Administration  
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The present volume places Imperial and Soviet Russia in a European context. Russia shared in a larger European modernity marked by increased overlap and sometimes merger of realms that had previously been treated as discrete entities: the social and the political, state and society, government and economy, and private and public. These were attributes of Soviet dictatorship, but their origins can be located in a larger European context and in the emergence of modern forms of government in Imperial Russia/ Το βιβλίο αναλύει όλους τους παράγοντες που οδήγησαν στον εκσυγχρονισμό της ρωσικής κοινωνίας κατά το 19ο αιώνα. 

Hovannisian, Richard G., Armenian Pontus: The Trebizond-Black Sea Communities, Costa Mesa, Calif. Mazda Publ., California 2009

Culture and Communities  
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The role of the Armenian Community in Trabzon in Pontus/ Ο ρόλος της Αρμενικής Κοινότητας στην Τραπεζούντα του Πόντου. 

Kappeler, Andreas, The Russian Empire: A Multiethnic History, Harlow: Longman, 2001

Culture and Communities  Administration  
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Το εθνικό ζήτημα και πως επιβάλλεις τον έλεγχο σε ετερόκλιτες εθνικές ταυτότητες υπήρξε πάντα πρόβλημα του ρωσικού κράτους. Αυτή η μελέτη για τη Ρωσία ως πολυεθνική αυτοκρατορία εκτίνεται από τα αυτοκρατορικά χρόνια, το 16ο αιώνα, έως και το 1917, με μεγαλύτερη έμφαση στην σοβιετική περίοδο. Ένα από τα βασικά ερωτήματα του βιβλίου είναι πως οι Ρώσοι ενσωμάτωσαν νέες περιοχές, τι αντιστάσεις συνάντησαν, ποιός ήταν ο χαρακτήρας της αυτοκρατορίας και πως αυτό συνδέθηκε με τον εθνικισμό./The "national question" and how to impose control over its diverse ethnic identities has long posed a problem for the Russian state. This major survey of Russia as a multi-ethnic empire spans the imperial years from the sixteenth century to 1917, with major consideration of the Soviet phase. It asks how Russians incorporated new territories, how they were resisted, what the character of a multi-ethnic empire was and how, finally, these issues related to nationalism.  

Khodarkovsky, Michael, Russia's Steppe Frontier. Making of a Colonial Empire, 1500-1800, Indiana University Press, Bloomington and Indianapolis, 2002

Culture and Communities  Black Sea Connections  

King, Charles, Genius and Death in the City of Dreams. Odessa, WW Norton & Co., London, New York 2011  

Culture and Communities  Administration  
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Ο παρών τόμος είναι μια περιγραφή της ζωντανής και πολυπολιτισμικής πόλης της Οδησσού, του κύριου λιμανιού της Μαύρης θάλασσας, της κοσμοπολίτικης πόλης των εφευρετών και των ιδιοφυών, της οποίας η εβραϊκή κοινότητα αποτελούσε σημαντικό κομμάτι. Επίσης αναλύει τις διώξεις και την μαζική δολοφονία των Εβραίων από τους Ρουμάνους κατακτητές της πόλης κατά το Δεύτερο Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο./The present volume is a description of the vibrant, multicultural tapestry of the city of Odessa, the greatest port of the Black sea, a cosmopolitan city of innovators and geniuses, in which a thriving Jewish population formed an essential part. It also examines the mass murder of Jews carried out by the city’s Romanian occupiers during the World War II.

Kozelsky, Mara, Christianizing Crimea. Shaping Sacred Space in the Russian Empire and Beyond, Northern Illinnois University Press, Illinnois 2010 

Theodosia  Sevastopol  Kherson  Evpatoria  
Culture and Communities  
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Ο παρών τόμος αναλύει την χριστιανική αναβίωση . Αντλώντας από αδημοσίευτα αρχεία της Οδησσού, της Συμφερόπολης και της Αγίας Πετρούπολης, η παρούσα μελέτη παρέχει μια περίπτωση θρησκευτικού εθνικισμού στο παρελθόν και στο παρόν και των πολιτικών συγκρούσεων και υποχωρήσεων, εγγενείς σε ιερούς τόπους./The present volume analyzes the Christian renewal in Crimea. Drawing on unpublished archives in Odessa, Simferopol, and St. Petersburg, the volume provides a case study of past and present religious nationalism in Eastern Europe and an examination of the political conflicts and compromises endemic to holy places.

Latham, Robert Gordon, The native races of the Russian empire, London: H. Bailliere, 1854

Culture and Communities  
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The book refers to the tribes and people of the Russian Empire, having as an example St. Petersburg/ Το βιβλίο αναφέρεται στις φυλές και τους λαούς της Ρωσικής αυτοκρατορίας έχοντας ως παράδειγμα την Αγία Πετρούπολη.

Maxwell, Donald, A cruise across Europe; notes on a freshwater voyage from Holland to the Black Sea, London: J. Lane, 1907

Urban Landscape - Geography  Culture and Communities  
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An illustrated tour the the Netherlands in the Black Sea/ Εικονογραφημένη περιήγηση από την Ολλανδία στη Μαύρη θάλασσα. 

Mazis, John, A. The Greek Benevolent Association of Odessa (1871-1917). Private Charity and Diaspora Leadership in late Imperial Russia, Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Minnesota, 1998

Economy and Infrastructure  Culture and Communities  
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The thesis analyzes the Greek community of Odessa and it investigates its role in development of the Russian economy/ Η εργασία αναφέρεται στην ελληνική παροικία της Οδησσού και ερευνά το ρόλο της στην ανάπτυξη της ρωσικής οικονομίας.

Methodieva-Bogomilova, Milena, Reform, politics and culture among the Muslims in Bulgaria, 1878-1908, vol. I, Princeton University, 2010

Galatz  Constantza  Braila  
Culture and Communities  
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The book refers  the history and culture of Muslims in Bulgaria/ Το βιβλίο αναφέρεται στην ιστορία και την κουλτούρα των Μουσουλμάνων της Βουλγαρίας. 

Mironov, Boris, A social history of Imperial Russia 1700-1917, Westview Press, Oxford 2000

Culture and Communities  Administration  
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This volume is a comprehensive synthesis of Russian social history from Peter the Great to the October Revolution of 1917. The book begins with background information on pre-Petrine Russia and then focuses on the crucial events of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. He demonstrates how social events in this period--including the creation of a modernized autocratic state, the abolition of serfdom, increasing urbanization, and the first stirrings of capitalism (to name a few)--played out in the Revolution, and beyond.

Mollenkopf, John Hull, Power, culture, and place: essays on New York City, Russell Sage Foundation, New York 1988

Urban Landscape - Geography  Economy and Infrastructure  Culture and Communities  Administration  
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The essays in this volume explore economic growth and change and the social conflicts that accompanied them in the dynamic context of New York city. Other papers suggest how popular culture, public space, and street life served as sources of order amidst conflict and disorder. Essays on politics and pluralism offer further reflections on how social tensions are harnessed in the framework of political participation. By examining the intersection of economics, culture, and politics in a shared spatial context, these multidisciplinary essays not only illuminate the City's fascinating and complex development.


. Other papers suggest how popular culture, public space, and street life served as sources of order amidst conflict and disorder. Essays on politics and pluralism offer further reflections on how social tensions are harnessed in the framework of political participation. By examining the intersection of economics, culture, and politics in a shared spatial context, these multidisciplinary essays not only illuminate the City's fascinating and complex development, but also highlight the significance of a sense of "place" for social research.


Focusing on three historical transformations—the mercantile, industrial, and postindustrial—several contributors

Morozan, V.V., The operation of the Azov-Don Commercial Bank in the south of Russia at the end of the XIX century, St. Petersburg State Agrarian University

Taganrog  Sevastopol  Rostov on Don  Mariupol  Kerch  Evpatoria  Berdyansk  
Shipping  Economy and Infrastructure  Culture and Communities  Administration  
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The book describes the rise of the commercial banking system of the areas of Azov in southern Russia/ Το βιβλίο περιγράφει την άνοδο του εμπορικοτραπεζικού συστήματος από τις περιοχές της Αζοφικής στη νότια Ρωσία.

Oliphant, Laurence, The Russian shores of the Black Sea in the autumn of 1852 with a voyage down the Volga, and a tour through the country of the Don Cossacks, William Blackwood and Sons, London 1854

Urban Landscape - Geography  Marine Environment - Harbour Systems  Economy and Infrastructure  Culture and Communities  Black Sea Connections  Administration  
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This book is a narrative of the journey Oliver Oliphant, author of travel diaries and novels, traveller, correspondent for The Times during the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1) and Secretary to British Diplomat Lord Elgin, made to Russia as a young man, with his friend Oswald Smith. From the splendour of mid-nineteenth-century St Petersburg, to the annexation of the Crimea, and the international consequences of Russian foreign policy for Europe, this illustrated book is also full of witty anecdotes and captivating descriptions. 

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