SOLIDARITY TO OUR COLLEGUES IN UKRAINE. The Black Sea project is a project of communication, academic dialogue and scientific exchange, to bring
scholars together beyond borders: Ukrainians, Russians, Greeks, Turks, Georgians, Bulgarians, Romanians, Moldavians.
There is no East and West. There is ONE WORLD. Let the War END
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Sartor, Wolfgang, Das Haus Mahs. Eine internationale Unternehmerfamilie im Russischen Reich 1750 - 1918, Olearius Press, Moscow 2009 

Economy and Infrastructure  

Storch, Heinrich Friedrich von, Historisch-statistisches gemalde des Russischen reichs am ende des achtzehnten jahrhunderts, vol. II-VIII, Leipzing: J.H. Hartknoch, 1803

Statistics  Economy and Infrastructure  
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The book contains statistical tables and data about the history of the Russian Empire/ Το βιβλίο περιέχει στατιστικούς πίνακες και στοιχεία γύρω από θέματα της ιστορίας της ρωσικής Αυτοκρατορίας.

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