Number of Entries: 26
A geographical, statistical, and commercial account of the Russian ports of the Black Sea, the Sea of Asoph and the Danube: also an official report of the European commerce of Russia in 1835, from the German. with map, London: A. Schloss and P. Richardson, 1837
EnglishVarna Trabzon Theodosia Taganrog Sinop Sevastopol Samsun Rostov on Don Odessa Novorossiysk Nikolayev Mariupol Kherson Kerch Istanbul/Constantinople Giresun Galatz Evpatoria Constantza Burgas Braila Berdyansk Batoum
Urban Landscape - Geography Economy and Infrastructure
Admiralty hydrogr, The Black sea pilot, 3rd ed., London: J. D. Potter, 1884
EnglishVarna Trabzon Theodosia Taganrog Sinop Sevastopol Samsun Rostov on Don Odessa Novorossiysk Nikolayev Mariupol Kherson Kerch Istanbul/Constantinople Giresun Galatz Evpatoria Constantza Burgas Braila Berdyansk Batoum
Urban Landscape - Geography Shipping
Admiralty hydrogr, The Black sea pilot, 3rd ed., London: J. D. Potter, 1890
EnglishVarna Trabzon Theodosia Taganrog Sinop Sevastopol Samsun Rostov on Don Odessa Novorossiysk Nikolayev Mariupol Kherson Kerch Istanbul/Constantinople Giresun Galatz Evpatoria Constantza Burgas Braila Berdyansk Batoum
Urban Landscape - Geography Shipping
Beattie, William, The Danube, its history, scenery and topography, London: G. Virtue, 1842, pt. 1-4
EnglishNezhin Galatz Braila
Αrchitectural Form Urban Landscape - Geography Statistics
Campenhausen, Pierce Balthasar, Freiherr von, Travels through several provinces of the Russian Empire: with an historical account of the Zaporog Cossacks, and of Bessarabia, Moldavia, Wallachia and the Crimea, London: Printed for Richard Phillips, by J.G. Barnard, 1808
EnglishTaganrog Rostov on Don Odessa Novorossiysk Nikolayev Mariupol Kherson Kerch Galatz Braila Berdyansk
Urban Landscape - Geography Economy and Infrastructure Culture and Communities
Catherine, Empress of Russia, The grand instructions to the Commissioners Appointed to Frame a New Code of Laws for the Russian, London: Printed for T. Jefferys, 1768
EnglishOdessa Nikolayev Kherson Galatz Constantza Braila
Economy and Infrastructure Culture and Communities
Clark, Charles Upson, Bessarabia, Russia and Roumania on the Black Sea, Dodd, Mead and Company, New York 1927
EnglishTrabzon Theodosia Taganrog Sinop Sevastopol Samsun Rostov on Don Odessa Novorossiysk Nikolayev Nezhin Mariupol Kerch Istanbul/Constantinople Giresun Galatz Evpatoria Braila Berdyansk Batoum
Urban Landscape - Geography Economy and Infrastructure
Dearborn, Henry A. S., A memoir on the commerce and navigation of the Black Sea and the trade and maritime geography of Turkey and Egypt, vol. I - II, Boston: Wells and Lilly, 1819
EnglishVarna Trabzon Theodosia Taganrog Sinop Sevastopol Samsun Rostov on Don Odessa Novorossiysk Nikolayev Mariupol Kherson Kerch Istanbul/Constantinople Giresun Galatz Evpatoria Constantza Burgas Braila Berdyansk Batoum
Urban Landscape - Geography Economy and Infrastructure
Eardley-Wilmot, Sydney Marow, Life of Vice-Admiral Edmund, lord Lyons: With an account of naval operations in the Black Sea and Sea of Azoff, 1854-56, London: Sampson Low, Marston and Co., 1898
EnglishVarna Trabzon Theodosia Taganrog Sinop Sevastopol Samsun Rostov on Don Odessa Novorossiysk Nikolayev Mariupol Kherson Kerch Istanbul/Constantinople Giresun Galatz Evpatoria Constantza Burgas Braila Berdyansk Batoum
Urban Landscape - Geography
Eton, William, A Concise account of the commerce and navigation of the Black Sea: from recent and authentic information, London: T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1805
EnglishVarna Trabzon Theodosia Taganrog Sinop Sevastopol Samsun Rostov on Don Odessa Novorossiysk Nikolayev Mariupol Kherson Kerch Istanbul/Constantinople Giresun Galatz Evpatoria Constantza Burgas Braila Berdyansk Batoum
Urban Landscape - Geography Economy and Infrastructure
Gagemeister, IU, Memoire sur le commerce des ports de la Nouvelle-Russie, de la Moldavie et de la Valachie/ par Jules de Hagemeister, Odessa: D. Mieville, 1835
FrenchSevastopol Odessa Nikolayev Nezhin Mariupol Kherson Galatz Braila Berdyansk
Economy and Infrastructure
Geddie, John, The Russian empire: its rise and progress: with a description of the country, its history, government, and peoples, and an account of the latest conquests in central Asia, London: T. Nelson, 1885
EnglishVarna Trabzon Theodosia Taganrog Sinop Sevastopol Samsun Rostov on Don Odessa Novorossiysk Nikolayev Nezhin Mariupol Kherson Kerch Istanbul/Constantinople Giresun Galatz Evpatoria Constantza Burgas Braila Berdyansk Batoum
Urban Landscape - Geography
Hajnal, Henry, The Danube as waterway, Springer pdf,
Odessa Nezhin Galatz Constantza Braila
Hajnal, Henry, The Danube: Its historical, political and economic importance, The Hague: M. Nijhoff, 1920
EnglishNezhin Galatz Braila
Urban Landscape - Geography Economy and Infrastructure Culture and Communities Administration
Methodieva-Bogomilova, Milena, Reform, politics and culture among the Muslims in Bulgaria, 1878-1908, vol. I, Princeton University, 2010
EnglishGalatz Constantza Braila
Culture and Communities
Özveren, Y. Eyüp. 1997. “A Framework for the Study of the Black Sea World, 1789-1915”. Review (fernand Braudel Center) 20 (1). Research Foundation of SUNY: 77–113.
EnglishVarna Trabzon Theodosia Taganrog Sinop Sevastopol Samsun Rostov on Don Odessa Novorossiysk Nikolayev Mariupol Kherson Kerch Istanbul/Constantinople Giresun Galatz Evpatoria Constantza Burgas Braila Berdyansk Batoum
Shipping Economy and Infrastructure Culture and Communities Administration
Peyssonel, M. de, Traité sur le commerce de la Mer Noire, vol. I-II, A Paris: Chez Cuchet ..., 1787
FrenchVarna Trabzon Theodosia Taganrog Sinop Sevastopol Samsun Rostov on Don Odessa Novorossiysk Nikolayev Mariupol Kherson Kerch Istanbul/Constantinople Giresun Galatz Evpatoria Constantza Burgas Braila Berdyansk Batoum
Economy and Infrastructure
Reuilly, Jean, baron de, Voyage en Crimée et sur les bords de la Mer Noire, pendant l'année 1803; suivi d'un mémoire sur le commerce de cette mer, et de notes sur les principaux ports commerçans.... Paris: Bossange, Masson et Besson, 1806
FrenchVarna Trabzon Theodosia Taganrog Sinop Sevastopol Samsun Rostov on Don Odessa Novorossiysk Nikolayev Mariupol Kherson Kerch Istanbul/Constantinople Giresun Galatz Evpatoria Constantza Burgas Braila Berdyansk Batoum
Urban Landscape - Geography Economy and Infrastructure
Saint-Joseph, Anthoine De - Ignace, Antoine, Essai historique sur le commerce et la navigation de la Mer-Noire: ou Voyages et entreprises pour etablir des rapports commerciaux et maritimes entre les ports de la Mer-Noire et ceux de la Mediterranee, Paris: H. Agasse, 1805
FrenchVarna Trabzon Theodosia Taganrog Sinop Sevastopol Samsun Rostov on Don Odessa Novorossiysk Nikolayev Mariupol Kherson Kerch Istanbul/Constantinople Giresun Galatz Evpatoria Constantza Burgas Braila Berdyansk Batoum
Urban Landscape - Geography Economy and Infrastructure
Skene, James, Henry, The Danubian Principalities: The Frontier Lands of the Christian and the Turk: In two vol. / By a British resident of twenty years in the East, London: R. Bentley: 1854. - 2 vol.
EnglishNezhin Galatz Braila
Culture and Communities