Number of Entries: 6
A geographical, statistical, and commercial account of the Russian ports of the Black Sea, the Sea of Asoph and the Danube: also an official report of the European commerce of Russia in 1835, from the German. with map, London: A. Schloss and P. Richardson, 1837
EnglishVarna Trabzon Theodosia Taganrog Sinop Sevastopol Samsun Rostov on Don Odessa Novorossiysk Nikolayev Mariupol Kherson Kerch Istanbul/Constantinople Giresun Galatz Evpatoria Constantza Burgas Braila Berdyansk Batoum
Urban Landscape - Geography Economy and Infrastructure
Dearborn, Henry A. S., A memoir on the commerce and navigation of the Black Sea and the trade and maritime geography of Turkey and Egypt, vol. I - II, Boston: Wells and Lilly, 1819
EnglishVarna Trabzon Theodosia Taganrog Sinop Sevastopol Samsun Rostov on Don Odessa Novorossiysk Nikolayev Mariupol Kherson Kerch Istanbul/Constantinople Giresun Galatz Evpatoria Constantza Burgas Braila Berdyansk Batoum
Urban Landscape - Geography Economy and Infrastructure
Eton, William, A Concise account of the commerce and navigation of the Black Sea: from recent and authentic information, London: T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1805
EnglishVarna Trabzon Theodosia Taganrog Sinop Sevastopol Samsun Rostov on Don Odessa Novorossiysk Nikolayev Mariupol Kherson Kerch Istanbul/Constantinople Giresun Galatz Evpatoria Constantza Burgas Braila Berdyansk Batoum
Urban Landscape - Geography Economy and Infrastructure
Özveren, Y. Eyüp. 1997. “A Framework for the Study of the Black Sea World, 1789-1915”. Review (fernand Braudel Center) 20 (1). Research Foundation of SUNY: 77–113.
EnglishVarna Trabzon Theodosia Taganrog Sinop Sevastopol Samsun Rostov on Don Odessa Novorossiysk Nikolayev Mariupol Kherson Kerch Istanbul/Constantinople Giresun Galatz Evpatoria Constantza Burgas Braila Berdyansk Batoum
Shipping Economy and Infrastructure Culture and Communities Administration
Terristori, Conte, A Geographical, statistical and commercial account of the Russian ports of the Black Sea, the Sea of Asoph and the Danube: also an official report of the European commerce of Russia in 1835, London: A. Schloss, foreign book and print seller, 1837
EnglishVarna Trabzon Theodosia Taganrog Sinop Sevastopol Samsun Rostov on Don Odessa Novorossiysk Nikolayev Mariupol Kherson Kerch Istanbul/Constantinople Giresun Galatz Evpatoria Constantza Burgas Braila Berdyansk Batoum
Urban Landscape - Geography Economy and Infrastructure
United States, Black Sea pilot, the Dardanelles, Sea of Marmara, Bosporus, Black Sea and Sea of Azov, Washington: Government Printing Office, 1927
EnglishVarna Trabzon Theodosia Taganrog Sinop Sevastopol Samsun Rostov on Don Odessa Novorossiysk Nikolayev Mariupol Kherson Kerch Istanbul/Constantinople Giresun Galatz Evpatoria Constantza Burgas Braila Berdyansk Batoum
Urban Landscape - Geography Shipping Economy and Infrastructure Culture and Communities