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Kozelsky, Mara, Christianizing Crimea. Shaping Sacred Space in the Russian Empire and Beyond, Northern Illinnois University Press, Illinnois 2010 

Херсон  Феодосия  Севастополь  Евпатория  
Культура и Сообщества  
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Ο παρών τόμος αναλύει την χριστιανική αναβίωση . Αντλώντας από αδημοσίευτα αρχεία της Οδησσού, της Συμφερόπολης και της Αγίας Πετρούπολης, η παρούσα μελέτη παρέχει μια περίπτωση θρησκευτικού εθνικισμού στο παρελθόν και στο παρόν και των πολιτικών συγκρούσεων και υποχωρήσεων, εγγενείς σε ιερούς τόπους./The present volume analyzes the Christian renewal in Crimea. Drawing on unpublished archives in Odessa, Simferopol, and St. Petersburg, the volume provides a case study of past and present religious nationalism in Eastern Europe and an examination of the political conflicts and compromises endemic to holy places.

Özveren, Y. Eyüp. 1997. “A Framework for the Study of the Black Sea World, 1789-1915”. Review (fernand Braudel Center) 20 (1). Research Foundation of SUNY: 77–113. http://www.jstor.org/stable/40241390.

Херсон  Феодосия  Трабзон  Таганрог  Стамбул/Константинополь  Синоп  Севастополь  Самсун  Ростов-на-Дону  Одесса  Новороссийск  Николаев  Мариуполь  Констанца  Керчь  Евпатория  Гиресун  Галац  Варна  Бургас  Браила  Бердянск  Батуми  
Экономика и инфраструктура  Культура и Сообщества  Доставка  Администрация  
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Studies of the nineteenth-century Ottoman and Russian Empires as well as of the numerous nation-states that came into existence around the Black Sea have mostly been pursued separately. This article attempts to offer an alternative framework of analysis for the study of the Black Sea world during the nineteenth century. It starts off from Femand Braudel's approach to the sixteenth-century Mediterranean world in order to discuss whether and to what extent the Black Sea region could also be conceived as a world. Not only structural similarities but also historically-specific circumstances are emphasized for supporting the parallel drawn between the sixteenth-century Mediterranean and the nineteenth-century Black Sea. A number of further intellectual questions are raised in order to demonstrate that a holistic perspective has much to offer for re-directing academic research into more promising problem areas.

United States, Black Sea pilot, the Dardanelles, Sea of Marmara, Bosporus, Black Sea and Sea of Azov, Washington: Government Printing Office, 1927

Херсон  Феодосия  Трабзон  Таганрог  Стамбул/Константинополь  Синоп  Севастополь  Самсун  Ростов-на-Дону  Одесса  Новороссийск  Николаев  Мариуполь  Констанца  Керчь  Евпатория  Гиресун  Галац  Варна  Бургас  Браила  Бердянск  Батуми  
Экономика и инфраструктура  Культура и Сообщества  Доставка  Городской пейзаж - География  
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This book is a navigation pilot addressed to seafarers/ Το βιβλίο πιλότος ναυσιπλοΐας παρέχει οδηγίες ναυσιπλοΐας και απευθύνεται στους ναυτικούς.  

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