SOLIDARITY TO OUR COLLEGUES IN UKRAINE. The Black Sea project is a project of communication, academic dialogue and scientific exchange, to bring
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Number of Entries: 5

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Campenhausen, Pierce Balthasar, Freiherr von, Travels through several provinces of the Russian Empire: with an historical account of the Zaporog Cossacks, and of Bessarabia, Moldavia, Wallachia and the Crimea, London: Printed for Richard Phillips, by J.G. Barnard, 1808

Taganrog  Rostov on Don  Odessa  Novorossiysk  Nikolayev  Mariupol  Kherson  Kerch  Galatz  Braila  Berdyansk  
Urban Landscape - Geography  Economy and Infrastructure  Culture and Communities  

Catherine, Empress of Russia, The grand instructions to the Commissioners Appointed to Frame a New Code of Laws for the Russian, London: Printed for T. Jefferys, 1768

Odessa  Nikolayev  Kherson  Galatz  Constantza  Braila  
Economy and Infrastructure  Culture and Communities  
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The book contains essays by Empress Catherine for new institutions and rules on trade, including Russia as a rising economic and political power/ Το βιβλίο περιέχει δοκίμια της Αυτοκράτειρας Αικατερίνης για τους νέους θεσμούς και κανόνες στο εμπόριο, περιλαμβάνοντας τη Ρωσία ως ανερχόμενη οικονομική και πολιτική δύναμη. 

Herlihy, Patricia, “Ukrainian Cities in the Nineteenth Century” in Rethinking Ukrainian History, ed. Ivan L. Rudnytsky. Edmonton 1981. pp. 135-155

Odessa  Nikolayev  Kherson  
Economy and Infrastructure  Culture and Communities  
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The book describes the development of Ukrainian cities during the 19th century/ Το βιβλίο περιγράφει την ανάπτυξη των ουκρανικών πόλεων κατά το 19ο αιώνα. 

Özveren, Y. Eyüp. 1997. “A Framework for the Study of the Black Sea World, 1789-1915”. Review (fernand Braudel Center) 20 (1). Research Foundation of SUNY: 77–113.

Varna  Trabzon  Theodosia  Taganrog  Sinop  Sevastopol  Samsun  Rostov on Don  Odessa  Novorossiysk  Nikolayev  Mariupol  Kherson  Kerch  Istanbul/Constantinople  Giresun  Galatz  Evpatoria  Constantza  Burgas  Braila  Berdyansk  Batoum  
Shipping  Economy and Infrastructure  Culture and Communities  Administration  
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Studies of the nineteenth-century Ottoman and Russian Empires as well as of the numerous nation-states that came into existence around the Black Sea have mostly been pursued separately. This article attempts to offer an alternative framework of analysis for the study of the Black Sea world during the nineteenth century. It starts off from Femand Braudel's approach to the sixteenth-century Mediterranean world in order to discuss whether and to what extent the Black Sea region could also be conceived as a world. Not only structural similarities but also historically-specific circumstances are emphasized for supporting the parallel drawn between the sixteenth-century Mediterranean and the nineteenth-century Black Sea. A number of further intellectual questions are raised in order to demonstrate that a holistic perspective has much to offer for re-directing academic research into more promising problem areas.

United States, Black Sea pilot, the Dardanelles, Sea of Marmara, Bosporus, Black Sea and Sea of Azov, Washington: Government Printing Office, 1927

Varna  Trabzon  Theodosia  Taganrog  Sinop  Sevastopol  Samsun  Rostov on Don  Odessa  Novorossiysk  Nikolayev  Mariupol  Kherson  Kerch  Istanbul/Constantinople  Giresun  Galatz  Evpatoria  Constantza  Burgas  Braila  Berdyansk  Batoum  
Urban Landscape - Geography  Shipping  Economy and Infrastructure  Culture and Communities  
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This book is a navigation pilot addressed to seafarers/ Το βιβλίο πιλότος ναυσιπλοΐας παρέχει οδηγίες ναυσιπλοΐας και απευθύνεται στους ναυτικούς.  

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