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Daly, John Charles, The Russian Black Sea Fleet and the 'Eastern Question', 1827-1841, University of London, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, London 1896

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This work utilizes many primary and secondary sources to examine the Russian use of the Black Sea fleet during 1827-1841. Topics covered include Navarino, the subsequent Russo-Turkish war, the Hunkar-Iskelessi treaty and Russia's growing regional commitment. The book concludes with the second Turko-Egyptian crisis and the 1841 straits convention. 

Dearborn, Henry A. S., A memoir on the commerce and navigation of the Black Sea and the trade and maritime geography of Turkey and Egypt, vol. I - II, Boston: Wells and Lilly, 1819

Херсон  Феодосия  Трабзон  Таганрог  Стамбул/Константинополь  Синоп  Севастополь  Самсун  Ростов-на-Дону  Одесса  Новороссийск  Николаев  Мариуполь  Констанца  Керчь  Евпатория  Гиресун  Галац  Варна  Бургас  Браила  Бердянск  Батуми  
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The book mentions the history and topography of the countries of the Black Sea/ Το βιβλίο-πιλότος περιγράφει το εμπόριο και τη ναυσιπλοία των της Μαύρης θάλασσας.

Eardley-Wilmot, Sydney Marow, Life of Vice-Admiral Edmund, lord Lyons: With an account of naval operations in the Black Sea and Sea of Azoff, 1854-56, London: Sampson Low, Marston and Co., 1898

Херсон  Феодосия  Трабзон  Таганрог  Стамбул/Константинополь  Синоп  Севастополь  Самсун  Ростов-на-Дону  Одесса  Новороссийск  Николаев  Мариуполь  Констанца  Керчь  Евпатория  Гиресун  Галац  Варна  Бургас  Браила  Бердянск  Батуми  
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The book contains descriptions of Vice Admiral Lord Lyon during travel carried out almost throughout the world during the early and mid of the 19th century/ Το βιβλίο περιέχει τις περιγραφές του αντιναυάρχου λόρδου Lyon κατά τα ταξίδια που πραγματοποίησε σχεδόν σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο κατά τις αρχές και τα μέσα του 19ου αιώνα. 

Eton, William, A Concise account of the commerce and navigation of the Black Sea: from recent and authentic information, London: T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1805

Херсон  Феодосия  Трабзон  Таганрог  Стамбул/Константинополь  Синоп  Севастополь  Самсун  Ростов-на-Дону  Одесса  Новороссийск  Николаев  Мариуполь  Констанца  Керчь  Евпатория  Гиресун  Галац  Варна  Бургас  Браила  Бердянск  Батуми  
Экономика и инфраструктура  Городской пейзаж - География  
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The book-pilot is referred to the trade and navigation of the coasts of the Black Sea/ Το βιβλίο-πιλότος αναφέρεται στο εμπόριο και τη ναυσιπλοία των ακτών της Μαύρης θάλασσας.

European Seaport Systems in the early modern age-a comparative approach, International Workshop, Porto: FLUP, 21/22 October 2005


Evtuhov, Catherine - Goldfrank, David - Hughes, Lindsey - Stites, Richard (eds.), A History of Russua: Peoples, Legends, Events, Forces, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston 2004


Evtuhov, Catherine, Portrait of a Russian Province. Economy, Society, and Civilization in nineteenth-century Nizhnii Novgorod, University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh 2011

Экономика и инфраструктура  Культура и Сообщества  
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This study of the province of Nizhnii Novgorod in the nineteenth century, far from the power centers of Petersburg or Moscow, demonstrates how almost everything we thought we knew about Russian society was wrong. Instead of ignorant peasants, we find skilled farmers, artisans and craftsmen, and tradespeople. Instead of a powerful central state, we discover effective local projects and initiative in abundance. Instead of universal ignorance we are shown a lively cultural scene. Most of all, instead of an all-defining Russian exceptionalism we find a world similar to many other European societies.

Falkus, Malcolm E., "Russia and the International Wheat Trade, 1881-1914", in Economica , vol. 33, no. 132, November 1966, pp. 416-429

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This article examines the course of Russia's wheat exports and suggests that the slower growth during the 1880s and 1890s markes a turning point when, under the impact of foreign competition and changes in demand for particular qualities of wheat, a new pattern of trade emerged. 

Fedor, Thomas - Rozman, Gilbert, “Russian urban development and the ‘Myth’ of Backwardness” in Journal of urban history, November 1977

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The article refers to the economic conditions that contributed to the rise of the Russian bourgeoisie/ Το άρθρο αναφέρεται στις οικονομικές συνθήκες που συνέβαλαν στην άνοδο της ρωσικής αστικής τάξης.

Fedor, Thomas, Patterns of Urban Growth in the Russian Empire during the Nineteenth Century, University of Chicago Geography Research Papers, 1975

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The book mentions the rise and role of the Russian bourgeoisie in the 19th century/ Το βιβλίο αναφέρεται στην άνοδο και στο ρόλο της ρωσικής αστικής τάξης κατά το 19ο αιώνα.

Freeze, Gregory L.  (ed), Russia. A History, Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York 2002

Экономика и инфраструктура  Культура и Сообщества  Городской пейзаж - География  Администрация  
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Από τη δημιουργία του ρωσικού κράτους από το 14ο αιώνα έως τις πολιτικές μάχες της δεκαετίας του 1990 και την αβεβαιότητα της νέας χιλιετίας, αυτός ο τόμος αποτελεί μια συμβολή στην γενική ρώσικη ιστορία διαμέσου έξι αιώνων/From the formation of the Russian state in the 14th century to the political power struggles of the 1990s and the uncertainties of the new millennium, this volume offers an account of Russian history across six tumultuous centuries. 

Freeze, Gregory L., "The Soslovie (Estate) Paradigm and Russian Social History", in American Historical Review, vol. 91, no. 1, Feb. 1986, pp. 11 - 36

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The article makes a brief record of the social history of Russia in the 19th century/ Το άρθρο πραγματοποιεί μία σύντομη καταγραφή της κοινωνικής ιστορίας της Ρωσίας το 19ο αιώνα. 

Friesen, Leonard, Rural Revolutions in Southern Ukraine. Peasants, Nobles, and Colonists, 1774-1905, Harvard University Press/ Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, Cambridge 2008

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This book contributes to our understanding of Imperial Russia, as well as contemporary Ukraine, by describing and analyzing rural developmental patterns over time. It explores how, when, and why agriculturalists made adjustments to long-established agrarian and social practices, and provides a fresh perspective on the link between the end of empire and the rural developments that preceded it.

Geddie, John, The Russian empire: its rise and progress: with a description of the country, its history, government, and peoples, and an account of the latest conquests in central Asia, London: T. Nelson, 1885

Херсон  Феодосия  Трабзон  Таганрог  Стамбул/Константинополь  Синоп  Севастополь  Самсун  Ростов-на-Дону  Одесса  Новороссийск  Николаев  Нежин  Мариуполь  Констанца  Керчь  Евпатория  Гиресун  Галац  Варна  Бургас  Браила  Бердянск  Батуми  
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The article refers to the economic and political consolidation of the Russian Empire through trade and conquest in the regions of Central Asia and the Caspian Sea/ Το άρθρο αναφέρεται στην οικονομική και πολιτική εδραίωση της Ρωσικής Αυτοκρατορίας μέσα από το εμπόριο αλλά και την κατάκτηση περιοχών στην Κεντρική Ασία και την Κασπία θάλασσα. 

Great Britain, Sailing directions for the Dardanelles, Sea of Marmara, Bosporus, and Black Sea, London: Hydrographic Dept., 1882, 1883, 1897

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The book-pilot referred to the trade and navigation of the coasts of the Black Sea (three vol.)/ Το βιβλίο-πιλότος αναφέρεται στο εμπόριο και τη ναυσιπλοία των ακτών της Μαύρης θάλασσας (τρεις τόμοι) 

Guroff, Gregory and Carstensen, Fred (eds), Entrepreneurship in Imperial Russia and the Soviet Union, Princeton University Press, Princeton 1983 

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Ο παρών τόμος αποτελεί μια διεπιστημονική μελέτη για την επιχειρηματικότητα στην ρωσική κοινωνία από το 16ο έως τον εικοστό αιώνα και αναδεικνύει τον ιδιαίτερο ρόλο της κεντρικής διοίκησης στην οικονομική πρωτοβουλία./This multidisciplinary study of entrepreneurship in Russian society from the sixteenth to the twentieth century demonstrates the crucial influence of central government on economic initiative.

Hajnal, Henry, The Danube as waterway, Springer pdf, http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-94-015-2736-1/page/1 New window

Одесса  Нежин  Констанца  Галац  Браила  
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The present study addresses the institutional evolution of the Danube river before and after the creation of the European Danube Commission as well as the role of the Danube as a major waterway under the impact of the implementation of the technology of steam/ Το άρθρο αναφέρεται στο ρόλο του Δούναβη ως εμπορικού δρόμου.

Hajnal, Henry, The Danube: Its historical, political and economic importance, The Hague: M. Nijhoff, 1920

Нежин  Галац  Браила  
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This article mentions the role of the Danube as an economic, political and social factor of Europe in the 19th century/ Το άρθρο αναφέρεται στο ρόλο του Δούναβη ως οικονομικός, πολιτικός και κοινωνικός παράγοντας της Ευρώπης το 19ο αιώνα. 

Hamm, Michael F., “The modern Russian city. A historiographical analysis”, Journal of urban history, Vol. 4, No. 1, (November 1977), pp. 39-75

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The article discusses the historiographical analysis of Russian cities on the verge of the 20th century/ Το άρθρο αναφέρεται στην ιστοριογραφική ανάλυση των ρωσικών πόλεων στο μεταίχμιο του 20ου αιώνα. 

Hamm, Michael, F. (ed.), The City in Late Imperial Russia, Indiana University Press, Bloomington 1986

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From the Great Reforms that began in the 1860s to the revolutions of 1917, the Russian Empire experienced a period of explosive urban growth. This volume examines the changes it brought in eight of the Empire’s largest cities.

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